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Womb Witching Goddess
Women's Retreat 2023

2-6 June 2023 | Chania, Greece | Full Moon

Grow a new tongue, invite the wolf in,

awaken the witch 

& dance under the moon. 

Embrace your heart, your womb, your gut & your wisdom. 

Roar dear sister,

break the silence & take back your power

so the young ones won’t have to.

~ Brigit Anna McNeill

Sisters, we invite you to join us on our 5-day journey as we slide deep into the hearts of our wombs, the hearts of our feminine essence. Under the auspice of the full moon, and on the cusp of the summer solstice, we will combine ritual and embodied practices to create connection to ourselves, to the sisterhood and to the divine. 

Our wombs are portals in our creative life force energy, with the ability to birth, not only life, but our lives. We become midwives to our creative existence. 

Let go of the witch stereotype of a cackling hag who flies on a broom and uses eye of newt. Embrace the witch as healer, doula, wise and full-of-love woman who pierces through the veil of illusion to see reality.

We will embody the archetypes of three great Greek goddesses, sometimes known as the Triple Goddess:

Artemis, Selene and Hecate. They show us the arch we travel as women.

Artemis the Maiden, the inner girl archetype, during the early menstrual years of our lives.
Selene - at new moon she shows our shadow, our sexuality and creativity. At full moon she is the Mother archetype, the giver.

Hecate- the crone or wise witch. During peri-menopause and menopause, accessing deep the inner wisdom.


We will gather for a 5 days retreat in the land of Goddess, in CreteTo breakout of the unconscious patterns supported by the routines of our everyday lives where we run on autopilot into a sacred space of beauty, calm and inspiration where we can return together to the innocence of female nature under the warmth of the sun, the magic of the sea, nourishment from lovingly prepared food.  We will access our wisdom, sexuality, sensuality and pleasure. We will cultivate the relationship with the our feminine energy, our wombs and maternal lineages, releasing shame, guilt and trauma, in a heartfelt safe women's circle.

* Family Constellations  * Tantra *Womb Yoga * Yoni Nidra

* Shamanic womb healing * Ritual dance * Witchcraft * Singing Circles

connect with your accepting, intuitive, multidimensional, magical and wild feminine nature.

Family Constellations work is an effective therapeutic process that helps break destructive family patterns of unhappiness, illness, failure, and addiction. A therapeutic method which draws on elements of family systems therapy, existential phenomenology and is iZulu beliefs and attitudes to family.


A body-based modality that operates in the realms of the Collective Conscience, often referred to as the Knowing Field. Within this Field, we seek to uncover any unconscious scripts, patterns or collective laws that are running across generations and family relationship systems.

We hold a space where Love is Made Visible and provide participants a unique opportunity to See What Is. We can then start to move away from the victim/rescuer paradigm by letting go of old patterns; accepting the past; and move towards creating fulfilling lives.
We seek to uncover any unconscious scripts, patterns or collective laws that are running across generations and family relationship systems and make movements towards what will bring greater harmony to our lives.

''What’s happening is magic, sacred and inspiring.

The retreat is only a few days long,

but  the connection between the women feels deep and lasting on another energetic level. 

I recommend this retreat with all my heart.''


Tantra is the practice of falling in love with life. Including everything and experiencing it as sacred. Despite popular misunderstanding, Tantra isn’t all about sex, but rather, is a holistic spiritual practice. It uses the body as the gateway to expansion. In Tantric tradition women are considered embodiments of Shakti, or the Goddess; the female expression of the Divine. Tantra offers you a portal into the Mysteries of the Sacred Feminine and the Freeing of your Inner Goddess. When women gather together in a sacred space, and dive deeply into the inner mysteries of the Feminine, profound opening and healing can occur.

Sacred Rituals & Witchcraft, is something women used to practice in circles since the beginning of time. With our womb, our speech and our hands, we create life, we create new realities. Our womb is the source of magic itself.

By releasing old conditionings and fears around the archetype of the witches we are able to open to the gifts of healing and intuition. The original meaning of ‘witch’ is ‘wise woman’. We heal, when we reclaim the power of our wise woman heritage.

Feminine wisdom expresses itself in a unique way in each one of us, based on our inner voice, psychic and intuitive faculties. There will be a transmission of simple yet powerful psychic and healing techniques to take away with you. 

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''No words can describe the connection i felt with my inner witch, my womb and my heart during these days. Thank you sisters for reminding me, my power and my beauty. It was the most intense and beautiful retreat i have experienced''



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Annassa suites was designed and created with love and inspiration, in Almyrida, 47 min to drive 44.7 km from Chania Airport (CHQ).


We will be sharing accommodation in 5 rooms | 5 elements | ether, air, fire, water, earth,
in 4 separate suites, each with autonomous kitchen and bathroom.

The suites are walking distance from the beach of Almyrida, and the village, and 20 min drive from Chania.

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Tara Rose

I facilitate journeys that will bring you closer to your essence – that part of you where you are always in touch with the sacredness, passion, wisdom and purpose of life.

I guide you to meet aspects of yourself that are revealed through the penetrating lenses of vulnerability and intimacy. I am passionate about people, particularly women, awakening to the divine within themselves that can be carefully cultivated through our sexual energy, that is our life force energy. It is with this energy that we women will shift the current patriarchal paradigm that keeps us stuck from living our fullest potential.

I weave Zen Coaching, Family Constellations, Energy work, Tantric and trauma-informed therapeutic practices together to create sacred spaces where we can become curious explorers of our inner and outer worlds – for us to awaken to our Essence. I am a bodywork practitioner in Chi Nei Tsang (Taoist Abdominal Detox Massage), Fascia & Trauma Release Massage, Tantric Dearmouring & Touch Work and Shamanic Energy Healing. I am based in Cape Town, South Africa and I offer in-person and online private coaching and lead workshops and retreats on Sacred Sexuality, Tantra and Family Constellations.

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Selena Shakti

Selene is a holistic womb therapist, doula and a witch,

She has over 10 years of experience in the embodiment practices and healing modalities and thought the years she created her own healing system 'Womb healing Rituals' and

Somatic Womb healing rituals' for

Sexual-Menstrual & Fertility healing.


In her therapies & group sessions she combines her knowledge & trainings from Traditional Tantra, Womb Yoga, 

Thai Massage, Chi Nei Tsang, Dearmouring, Sexual de-armouring, Bach Remedies, EFT, Trauma & Female informed yoga therapy, herbal medicine for female nature & yoni steam healing and Shamanic womb healing.

She is the founder of Selene Shakti, a safe place for women circles, and all women who want to connect with their feminine energy, the archetype of the witch, and their womb space.

Her mission is to decolonise the archetype of the witch, to help women heal their deep feelings of shame, guilt and powerlessness, to empower them to connect with their soften but powerful feminine energy, and to understand their circular nature.

She believes that our healing can't be one dimensional, but needs to happen in spiritual, emotional, energetic and physical level at the same time.

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